
Initiation of Sunset review investigation into imports of Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) from China PR (16.09.2021)

Product description – Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)

HS Code – 3904 6100

Uses – PTFE is used in electrical, electronic, mechanical, and chemical industries

Countries involved – China PR

Applicant – Gujarat Fluorochemicals Limited

Period of investigation – 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021

Injury period – 2017-18, 2018-19, 2019-20 and the Period of investigation.

Past investigations involving the product – Anti-dumping duties were first levied vide Notification No. 91/2005-Customs (ADD), dated 17th October 2005. Following a Mid-Term review investigation, the duties were modified vide Notification No. 42/2010-Customs, dated 05th April 2010. Pursuant to the first Sunset review investigation, the duties were continued vide Notification No. 81/2011-Customs, dated 24th August 2011. Following the second Sunset review investigation, anti-dumping duties were extended vide Notification No. 36/2017-Customs (ADD), dated 28th July 2017. The current anti-dumping duties, if not extended, will expire on 27th July 2022.

Facts of the present case – Despite duties in force, the imports from the subject countries have remained significant in absolute and relative terms. The dumped imports are undercutting the prices of the domestic industry. Further, continued dumping, freely disposable existing capacities, massive production volumes, export orientation of the exporters and vulnerability of the domestic industry due to price sensitive market demonstrate that the dumping and injury are likely to continue in the event of expiry of duty.