Product Description – Grinding Media Balls excluding forged grinding media balls
HS Codes – 7325 9100.
Countries involved – China PR and Thailand
Applicants – AIA Engineering Ltd. and Welcast Steels Ltd.
Producers/Exporters involved- Magotteaux Co. Ltd, Thailand
Important Dates and Events –
1. Original anti-dumping duty- 16th July 2012
2. Sunset Review Investigation13th July 2018
Date of initiation – 30th Sept 2022
Period of review– 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022
Recommended Duty – DGTR has recommended continuation of anti-dumping duty against imports from Thailand
Country | Producer | Duty (USD/MT) |
Thailand | Magotteaux Co Ltd | 158.80 |
Others | 187 |
Key Findings –
- No known imports of subject goods from the subject countries during the period of review.
- Grossly insufficient and excessively confidential information filed by the Respondent despite multiple opportunities and refusal to cooperate with verification.
- Failure of Magotteaux India Pvt Ltd, a related entity of the Respondent to cooperate with the investigation despite participating in oral hearing leading tp recording of findings on information and facts available on record.
- No actual dumping margin was determined as there are no known imports.
- No injury is presently suffered due to lack of imports. Assessment of likely and potential performance of the domestic industry shows that its performance is likely to deteriorate if the duties are discontinued.
- Producers from Thailand have been dumping in third countries, holding freely disposable production capacity and inventories and are export oriented.
- Respondent has sufficient potential to re-direct exports from its other markets to India if the existing anti-dumping duty is removed.
- The price offers made by Magotteaux India Pvt Ltd, established that the Indian market is attractive to the Thailand producers.
- No sufficient evidence was found to establish likelihood of dumping and injury from China PR.
- The duty is not against public interest and has negligible impact on the consumers.
- The duties imposed over the last 10 years have boosted the share of MSME and prevented any possibility of monopoly in the market.