
Final Findings issued recommending imposition of anti-dumping duty on imports of Welded Stainless-Steel Pipes and Tubes from Thailand and Vietnam. (06.08.2024)

Product Description: Welded Stainless Steel Tubes and Pipes.

HS Codes: 7304 11 10, 7304 11 90, 7304 41 00, 7304 51 10, 7304 90 00, 7305 11 29, 7305 90 99, 7306 11 00, 7306 21 00, 7306 29 19, 7306 30 90, 7306 50 00, 7306 90 11, 7306 90 19 and 7306 90 90.

Countries Involved: Thailand and Vietnam


  1. Stainless-Steel Pipe and Tubes Manufacturer Association (Delhi)
  2. Stainless Steel Pipes & Tubes Manufacturers Association, (Gujarat).

Date of Initiation: 30th September 2023

Period of Investigation: 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023.

Injury Period: 2019- 20, 2020- 21, 2021-22 and the period of investigation

Past Investigations involving the Product: Countervailing duty on imports of Welded Stainless-Steel Tubes and Pipes from China and Vietnam were recommended vide Notification No. 6/22/2018-DGAD, dated 31st July, 2019. These were levied by the Ministry of Finance vide Customs Notification No. 4/2019-Customs (CVD), dated 17th September, 2019

Margins and recommended duties:

Country Producer Dumping margin Injury margin Duty ($/MT)
Vietnam   Sonha SSP Vietnam  Sole Member Company De – minimis Negative NIL*
Steel 568 Co., Ltd Negative 0-10% NIL*
Any other producer 10%-20% 10%-20% 307.79
Thailand I Stainless Steel Co Ltd., Thailand Negative Negative NIL
Any other producer 10%-20% 10%-20% 246.49

Key Findings:

  1. There is no need to exclude ASME certified tubes as ASME-BPE certification is only a production process-based certification. This does not relate to specifications of the product.
  2. The application was filed by two registered associations of producers of subject goods in India on behalf of the domestic industry.
  3. The Indian industry is fragmented in nature and constitutes Micro, Small and Medium scale enterprises. The Authority has resorted to sampling for the purpose of the present investigation.
  4. The total Indian production has been determined based on raw material consumption in the country.
  5. Exporters with low volumes of exports to India have not been granted individual rate of anti-dumping duty.
  6. The exporters which have not exported to India during the period of investigation have not been granted individual anti-dumping duty.
  7. The dumping margin determined for cooperating producers is significant and above de-minimis.
  8. There is a decline in demand of the subject goods, however, imports from the subject countries increased significantly in the POI as compared to 2019-20 and 2020-21.
  9. The subject imports were undercutting the prices of the domestic industry.
  10. While production and sales of the domestic industry have increased as an effect of the anti-subsidy duties of the product from China and Vietnam, the capacity utilisation, profitability, cash profits have declined in the period of investigation as compared to previous year.  
  11. The domestic industry is suffering from under-utilised capacities. This has adversely impacted the ability of the domestic industry to raise its capital investment.
  12. The injury margin is positive and significant.
  13. Imposition of duty would be in public interest and shall not have adverse impact on the Indian market.
  14. Producers in subject countries have surplus capacities and India serves as a primary market for disposal of such excess production in case the duty is not imposed.