Product Description- The product under consideration is 4,4 Diamino Stilbene 2, 2 Disulphonic Acid (DASDA)
The product is also known as 2, 2’- (1, 2-Ethylenediyl) bis (5-aminobenzenesulfonic acid), 4, 4’-Diaminostillbene- 2, 2’-Disulfonic Acid and DSD Acid.
HS Code- The product under consideration is classified under Chapter 29 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975, under the sub-heading 2921 59 40. Prior to January 2022, the product was imported under the sub-heading 2921 59 90. Post January 2022, the product has got a dedicated classification and is imported under 2921 59 90 and 2921 42 90.
Uses- DASDA primarily functions as chemical intermediate and is used in synthesis of dye stuffs like optical brightening agents, fluorescent brightening agents.
Countries involved- China PR
Applicants- Deepak Nitrite Limited.
Period of Investigation- 1st April 2023- 30th June 2024 .
Injury Period- 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23, and the period of investigation
Facts of the present case- The anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of 4,4-Diamino Stilbene-2,2-Disulphonic Acid (DASDA) from China PR was initiated vide notification dated 27th December 2024. The applicant has claimed that the subject imports are undercutting and depressing their prices, resulting to financial losses and a negative return on capital employed. Moreover, despite increased production capacity, the applicant’s production and domestic sales have declined. Due to the presence of low-priced imports from China PR, the applicant’s market share has also declined.