
Initiation of anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of ‘Aniline’ from China PR. (24.09.2024)

Product Description: The product under consideration is Aniline.

HS Codes: The product under consideration is classifiable under chapter 29 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975, under subheading 2921. The product is imported under the HS code 29214110. The customs classification is only indicative and not binding.

Uses: Aniline is primarily used in production of pharmaceuticals, polyurethanes, rubber processing chemicals, dyes and dye intermediates, photographic chemicals, explosives, diphenylamine, phenolics, herbicides, fungicides and also for petroleum refining.

Countries involved: China PR

Applicants: Gujarat Narmada Valley Fertilisers & Chemicals Limited

Period of investigation: 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024.

Injury period: 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 and the period of investigation

Past investigations involving the product – The original anti-dumping duties on imports of the product from the subject country was levied in 2020. Duties are set to expire on 29th July 2025.

Facts of the present case: The applicant contends that the volume of imports from the subject country has increased over the injury period in absolute as well as relative terms. After a thorough examination, the Authority has found prima facie evidence substantiating the likelihood of dumping and injury to the domestic industry. This is attributed to surplus capacities in the subject country, further capacity expansion, freely disposable capacities, export orientation of producers from the subject countries, dumping in third countries, price attractiveness. This shows recurrence of dumping from the subject country and the likelihood of injury to the domestic industry in case of cessation of the antidumping duties.