Product description: The product under consideration (PUC) in the present investigation is ‘Monoisopropylamine’, also known as ‘MIPA’.
MIPA is an organic compound, an amine. It is a hygroscopic colourless liquid with ammonia-like odour. Its melting point is −95.2°C and its boiling point is 32.4°C. It is miscible with water. It is extremely flammable, with flash point at −37°C. MIPA is produced in anhydrous (99.5%) form. Diluted form is obtained by adding water to anhydrous form which concentration level reduced to desired level as per buyer’s requirement. It is commercially sold both in anhydrous form and aquatic form depending on the application or end use.
HS Codes: The product under consideration does not have a dedicated HS code. It is imported under Chapter 29, under the sub-heading 2921 11 90, 2921 19 90 and 2921 19 20 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975. The customs classification is indicative only and is not binding on the scope of the product under consideration.
Uses: The product is used in glyphosate herbicide formulations, a key component of atrazine (another herbicide), as a regulating agent for plastics, as intermediate in organic synthesis of coating materials, plastics, pesticides, rubber chemicals and pharmaceuticals and as an additive in the petroleum industry.
Countries involved: China PR
Applicant: Alkyl Amines Chemicals Limited
Period of investigation: The period of investigation (POI) is from 1st July 2023 to 30th June 2024 (12 months).
Injury period: The injury examination period is April 2020 – March 2021, April 2021 – March 2022, April 2022 – June 2023 and the period of investigation.
Facts of the present case: The volume of the subject goods from the subject country has increased in absolute as well as relative terms. There is positive price undercutting and price suppression effect on the prices of the applicant. The applicant is suffering financially with a significant decline in both cash profits and return on capital employed. Despite having enough capacity to meet the entire Indian demand, the domestic industry has seen a decline in production and sales. The market share and the domestic sales of the domestic industry have significantly declined.