Product description: The product under consideration is ‘Disodium Carbonate’ also known as Soda Ash having formula as NA2CO3.Soda Ash is a white crystalline water-soluble material. It is produced in two forms – light soda ash and dense soda ash. The difference between the two forms is only the bulk density. It can be either natural soda ash or synthetic soda ash. Both products are essentially the same.
HS Codes: The product under consideration is classified under Chapter 28 of the Customs Tariff Act, 1975, under the heading 283620.
Uses: Soda Ash is an essential ingredient in the manufacture of detergents, soaps, cleaning compounds, sodium based chemicals, float glass, container and specialty glasses, silicates and other industrial chemicals. It is also widely used in textiles, paper, metallurgical industries and desalination plants.
Countries involved: Russia, Turkey, USA and Iran/ UAE.
Applicant: Alkali Manufacturers Association of India (AMAI) for DCW Ltd., GHCL, RSPL, Nirma Ltd. and Tata Chemicals Ltd.
Period of investigation: The period of investigation (POI) for the investigation is from 1st October 2023 – 30th June 2024 (09 months).
Injury period: The injury examination period is 2020-21, 2021-22, April 2022-September 2023 and the period of investigation.
Facts of the present case: The applicant companies constitute eligible domestic industry. There has been an increase in the volume of subject imports in absolute as well as relative terms over the injury period. There has been positive undercutting as well as price depression effect. The applicant companies are suffering from decline in profits, cash flow and the Returns on Investments. Further, it has also been claimed that the subject imports have led to decline in production, capacity utilization and the market share of the applicant companies. It has also been claimed that there is threat of further aggravation of material injury because of the rate of increase in imports coupled with declining import prices.