
Initiation of anti-dumping investigation concerning imports of Linear Alkyl Benzene from Iran and Qatar. (29.03.2024)

Product Description – The product under consideration is Linear Alkyl Benzene or LAB.

HS Code – 3817 00 11.

Uses – The product under consideration serves as a chemical intermediate used to produce linear alkyl benzene sulphonate, which is subsequently utilized in the production of laundry detergents, light-duty dishwashing liquids, industrial cleaning agents, and general household cleaners.

Countries Involved – Iran and Qatar

Applicants – Nirma Limited and Tamilnadu Petroproducts Limited

Date of Initiation – 29th March 2024

Period of Investigation – 1st October 2022 to 30th September 2023.

Injury Period – 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 and the period of investigation.

Facts of the Present Case – The application was filed for redressal against dumped imports of LAB from Iran and Qatar. The applicants have submitted that the volume of subject imports has increased significantly in absolute terms and in relation to domestic production and consumption in India. Further, the applicants have claimed that the imports were undercutting the domestic prices and had a suppressing and depressing effect on the prices of the domestic industry. The applicants have also claimed that their performance has been adversely impacted in respect of sales, capacity utilization, return on investment, accumulation of inventories and profitability.